Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Letter Home...

Dear Mom and Dad,

So, I know we are supposed to be comming home tomorrow.
But actually, I do not think that is going to happen.

You see, we are having far too much fun in the land of the polar bear to leave now. Churchill has such an incredible, friendly atmosphere.We have a close group of ten marvelous friends here, nearby for a laugh anytime.  We're absolutely loving the research centre and the people here, although we have been far too occupied with assignments to lounge around.

Even in the late afternoon to evening today, we packed in oodles of adventures! We went for an ultimate exploration through town and then ventured to the beaches of Hudson Bay. We set up our cookout, roasted our potatoes, warmed our fish, and skewered out hot dogs. It was scrumptious!

We then gathered enough courage to dive into the icy water. We do not quite have the same cold tolerance  as the belugas we saw however, and were wrapping ourselves back into a towel cocoons within fifteen minutes.

But don't worry mom and dad we really did do our homework as well! We spent the majority of the morning studying for our afternoon exam! We all had some worries going into the exam, but for the most part we came out feeling like we knew more than we had previously thought.
The teachers here are quite sneaky. Much to our chagrin we learned loads throughout our trip's daily expolorations! All of our lessons were very tactile, they were hands on and we got to see, touch and live what we were learning about. Because of this we were more interested in the topics and we retained a lot more of the information than we would have from a text book and tradtitional classroom.

Mom and Dad, this trip was truly incredible. To say we met great people would be an understatement. To say we just saw some animals would be an underestimation. To say we had fun would be a cliché.

I guess we'll just have to come back home, to tell you the stories ourselves.

Thanks for the experience,

Lots of love,
The Far Northerners

(Harry and Emma)

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